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Sistemas Digitais - Ender Vhd

Arquivo incluso no disquete na compra do livro "Projeto e Prototipação de Sistemas Digitais", do autor Luigi Carro.




------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, -- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul --, -- Pos-graduacao em Ciencia da Computacao --, -- Circuito gerador de endere os crescentes --, -- Sa das para 3 endere os de 5 bits (filtro com 32 taps) --, -- Por Denis Franco em janeiro de 1999 --, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , library ieee;, use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;, , library ieee;, use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;, , entity ender is, port (, clock : in bit; -- Sinal de sincronismo, rst : in bit; -- Sinal de inicializa o, hab1 : in bit; -- Sinal de incremento do endere o 1, ender1 : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Endere o 1, hab2 : in bit; -- Sinal de incremento do endere o 2, ender2 : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Endere o 2 , hab3 : in bit; -- Sinal de incremento do endere o 3, ender3 : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) -- Endere o 3, );, , end ender;, , architecture Sender of ender is, , signal end1: integer range 0 to 31;, signal end2: integer range 0 to 31;, signal end3: integer range 0 to 31;, , begin, , -- Processo de controle do endere o 1, process(clock, hab1) begin, if (clock = '0' and not clock'stable) then, if rst = '0' then , if hab1 = '1' then, end1 <= end1 + 1;, else, end1 <= end1;, end if;, else, end1 <= 0;, end if;, end if;, end process;, , -- Processo de controle do endere o 2, process(clock, hab2) begin, if (clock = '0' and not clock'stable) then, if rst = '0' then, if hab2 = '1' then, end2 <= end2 + 1;, else, end2 <= end2;, end if;, else, end2 <= 0;, end if;, end if;, end process;, , -- Processo de controle do endere o 3, process(clock, hab3) begin, if (clock = '0' and not clock'stable) then, if rst = '0' then, if hab3 = '1' then, end3 <= end3 + 1;, else, end3 <= end3;, end if;, else, end3 <= 0;, end if;, end if;, end process;, , -- Convers o de dados do tipo inteiro para std_logic_vector , ender1 <= conv_std_logic_vector(end1,5); ender2 <= conv_std_logic_vector(end2,5); ender3 <= conv_std_logic_vector(end3,5); , end Sender;, , , , -- Circuito gerador de endere os crescentes --, -- Sa das para 3 endere os de 5 bits (filtro com 32 taps) --, -- Por Denis Franco em janeiro de 1999 --, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , library ieee;, use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;, , library ieee;, use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;, , entity ender is, port (, clock : in bit; -- Sinal de sincronismo, rst : in bit; -- Sinal de inicializa o, hab1 : in bit; -- Sinal de incremento do endere o 1, ender1 : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Endere o 1, hab2 : in bit; -- Sinal de incremento do endere o 2, ender2 : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Endere o 2 , hab3 : in bit; -- Sinal de incremento do endere o 3, ender3 : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) -- Endere o 3, );, , end ender;, , architecture Sender of ender is, , signal end1: integer range 0 to 31;, signal end2: integer range 0 to 31;, signal end3: integer range 0 to 31;, , begin, , -- Processo de controle do endere o 1, process(clock, hab1) begin, if (clock = '0' and not clock'stable) then, if rst = '0' then , if hab1 = '1' then, end1 <= end1 + 1;, else, end1 <= end1;, end if;, else, end1 <= 0;, end if;, end if;, end process;, , -- Processo de controle do endere o 2, process(clock, hab2) begin, if (clock = '0' and not clock'stable) then, if rst = '0' then, if hab2 = '1' then, end2 <= end2 + 1;, else, end2 <= end2;, end if;, else, end2 <= 0;, end if;, end if;, end process;, , -- Processo de controle do endere o 3, process(clock, hab3) begin, if (clock = '0' and not clock'stable) then, if rst = '0' then, if hab3 = '1' then, end3 <= end3 + 1;, else, end3 <= end3;, end if;, else, end3 <= 0;, end if;, end if;, end process;, , -- Convers o de dados do tipo inteiro para std_logic_vector , ender1 <= conv_std_logic_vector(end1,5); ender2 <= conv_std_logic_vector(end2,5); ender3 <= conv_std_logic_vector(end3,5); , end Sender;,